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Brewster County

107 W. Avenue E, Alpine, TX 79830

432 837-2412


County Judge Greg P. Henington
Commissioner, Precinct 1 Jim Westermann
Commissioner, Precinct 2 Sara Allen Colando
Commissioner, Precinct 3 Ruben Ortega
Commissioner, Precinct 4 Mo Morrow
County Attorney Marisol Skelton
County Treasurer Julie K. Morton
County Clerk Sarah Vasquez
District Clerk Sarah Fellows
Sheriff Ronny Dodson
County Tax Assessor-Collector Sylvia Vega
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Scott Wassermann
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 Paul Rashott
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 Susana Gonzales
Constable, Precinct 1 Flavio Rene Ybarra
Constable, Precinct 2 N/A
Constable, Precinct 3 N/A